Wednesday 5th October 2011
3D Type
Today's lesson we were introduced to another power point presentation showing various artists of 3d creation. It was very interesting how you can create with just the bits of cardboard and strips of tape. It was almost like another point or idea i could maybe think if during the time i have with the project of graphical intervention; maybe using cardboard to put in the water how the reflection has turned out and also taking in the nature element around it.
Stefan Sagmiester
This shows how much you can push the boundaries creating a piece of work such as this. Who would have thought about using coins, this really amazes me. From stefan's other work he seems to enjoy working in the environment like for example. His work like "Keeping a diary supports personal development" and "Looking good limits my life" these other pieces show how he doesn't always use one method wether it's wood, a cactus, foiled installation ; he tries out different variations to so how diverse his work can be.
Yulia Brodskaya
Here is another piece, but this is showing a whole spectrum of colours. This image shows type and other objects around that almost are like subliminal messages. The great thing about this piece is that the shadows will all of the colours get blended onto the white background and gives it a defined look. I will continue to look into how she creates these amazing shapes and apply this method within my project as the outcomes look unbelievable. Something that's created by hand gets more appreciation in terms with getting the resources such as card , working where to bend it and also how to present it as the whole piece. A very great artists and very captivating productions.
This piece created by Stefan Sagmiester is pure genius. It shows pure graphical intervention within the environment and using the coins of four different shades is a very bold challenge in comparison to his other work. I have read about this project that " Over the course of eight days and with the help of more than 100 volunteers, 250,000 euro-cent coins were sorted into four different shades and carefully placed over this 300-square-meter area" -
This shows how much you can push the boundaries creating a piece of work such as this. Who would have thought about using coins, this really amazes me. From stefan's other work he seems to enjoy working in the environment like for example. His work like "Keeping a diary supports personal development" and "Looking good limits my life" these other pieces show how he doesn't always use one method wether it's wood, a cactus, foiled installation ; he tries out different variations to so how diverse his work can be.
Yulia Brodskaya
Yulia Brodskaya a graphic designer with an artistic element of creating in a 3d environment. Her work consists of making paper/card cuts and making an interesting outcome. I really enjoy looking at these pieces of work as i have seen countless of design in this style but either done in photoshop or illustrator. As its a hands on approach she can get different outcomes, when choosing to photograph the work she has produced.
This piece I have chosen shows a great style of negative space as well as creativity, the use of only blends of colours such as white, turquoise and dark blue give it that element that everyone will appreciate. I especially like the shadows casting on the page as it makes the picture standout by far; also an effect that is easily created in photoshop, this was maybe a more harder photo shoot of getting the right amount of lighting.