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United Kingdom
Currently taking FDA Creative Practices at Filton Graphics, Art, films, video games + Anime completely consume me .

Sunday, 13 November 2011

alphabet completed

Finally Ive completed my Alphabet

I am very pleased that I finally managed to find all of the letters. It was a very difficult challenge but it has made me view the obvious in a different light. After going back and forth to town I have also realized even more Letters around the city centre. I managed to gradually get better by concentrating.

I was pleased with getting the H as I used the leaves that were scattered around on the ground, I believe at the time I was researching the works of Stefan Sagmiester, like for example the coins he used to make a huge typography piece.

As I have achieved the whole of the alphabet I could arrange thses pictures into a typeface of my own and use it to present my work. However I will continue to research more artists to back it up.

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